Testosterone levels in men affect several aspects of one’s health, from sexual function to disease risk. The person can increase one’s levels naturally by lifting weights and getting more nutrients like testosterone supplements.
Testosterone is a steroid hormone that one’s body mainly produces in the testicles and also ovaries. The adrenal glands also produce small amounts.
During puberty in people assigned male at birth, testosterone is considered to be one of the main drivers of physical changes such as muscle development, voice changes, and hair growth. People assigned female at birth produce testosterone but in lower quantities and also have higher estrogen levels. Having optimal levels is also important throughout adulthood. In adult males, healthy levels are no doubt important for general health, including disease risk and also sexual function.
Also, increasing one’s testosterone to optimal levels can increase muscle mass as well as strength.
Interestingly, testosterone also does play an important role in female health and sexual well-being.
Exercise is, of course, meant to be the most effective way to prevent several lifestyle-related diseases. Not only that, but it can also indeed boost one’s testosterone levels, which is pursued by a few men having low levels of it.
Resistance training, such as weightlifting, does boost testosterone levels in the short term. It can be very effective as well, although all types of exercise need to work a little.
All forms of exercise can indeed increase one’s testosterone levels, especially weightlifting and also high-intensity interval training.
What is eaten can affect levels of testosterone as well as other hormones.
Eating enough protein can rather help a person maintain healthy testosterone levels and can also aid in fat loss, which can be beneficial too. Also, constant dieting or overeating does tend to disrupt one’s testosterone levels.
Consuming healthy fats can also help support testosterone levels and hormone balance. Little research does indicate that a low-fat diet could decrease testosterone levels.
Thus, a nutritious, well-rounded diet based mainly on whole foods is best. A healthy balance of protein, fat, and carbs can help optimize individual hormone levels and support overall health.
Research does often highlight the dangers of long-term stress, which can rather elevate levels of the hormone cortisol.
Sudden elevations in cortisol can also quickly reduce testosterone. These hormones often work in a seesaw-like manner: as one goes up, the other comes down.
Stress and high cortisol can, on the other hand, also increase food intake, weight gain, and the storage of harmful body fat around the organs. These changes can negatively affect testosterone levels.
For both optimal health and hormone levels, trying to manage one’s stress levels helps. Staying active, getting plenty of sleep each night, and also practicing a few stress-relieving techniques can be beneficial.
Chronic stress can negatively affect health and reduce testosterone levels.
Vitamin D is a micronutrient that does play a key role in several aspects of health.
Research shows that low vitamin D levels may perhaps be linked to lower testosterone levels.
To maintain healthy levels of vitamin D, try to get regular exposure to sunlight or even consider taking a vitamin D3 supplement as directed by a healthcare professional.
Although the potential benefits of multivitamins are hotly debated, certain supplements can rather be useful for supporting healthy testosterone levels.
A study says zinc supplementation increased testosterone levels and improved sexual function in postmenopausal women with low blood levels of zinc.
According to another review, zinc supplementation can also benefit men with low testosterone levels as well as infertility, particularly if they have a testosterone deficiency.
Older studies suggest that several herbal supplements can also help support healthy testosterone levels, including saw palmetto, ginger, and ashwagandha. Yet, more research is required.
If deciding to add any supplements to one’s routine, talk with a healthcare professional initially before taking them, especially if the person has any underlying health conditions or is taking other medications.
Getting good sleep is as important for one’s health as diet and exercise. Sleep quality can also have major effects on one’s testosterone levels.
Few people do fine with less sleep; most research recommends aiming for at least 7 hours every night.
Several other factors can affect one’s hormone levels. For starters, a healthy sex life is important in regulating one’s sex hormone and testosterone levels.
High exposure to estrogen-like chemicals can also affect testosterone levels. Trying to minimize daily exposure to bisphenol-A (BPA), parabens, and other chemicals found in a few types of plastics is a good idea.
Other testosterone-boosting supplements are available without a prescription, but it is important to get a full check-up and treatment plan before starting them.
To boost one’s hormonal health, focus on these five essential supplements. Getting sufficient vitamin D3, which is important for testosterone production. Next, zinc does play a key role in optimizing testosterone levels, so it is better to incorporate it into one’s diet. Omega-3 fatty acids can also reduce inflammation and support healthy hormone function. Do not forget magnesium, fundamental for testosterone regulation and also overall vitality. Finally, try ashwagandha; it does balance testosterone and also reduces stress. Together, these supplements can enhance one’s well-being and energy.
Low testosterone levels in men can be distressful.
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