Common Causes of Low Libido in Women and Men

Women’s levels of sexual desire do change over the years. It is common for highs and also lows to happen along with the start or even end of a relationship. They experience major life changes like pregnancy, menopause, or illness, which does affect libido like men.

Few medicines make use of conditions that affect mood and can also cause low sex drive in women.

If lack of interest in sex continues or returns and causes personal distress, consulting the healthcare professional helps. The condition can perhaps be treatable, known as sexual interest-arousal disorder.

Both men and women are indeed bothered by a low or reduced sexual drive and need to take steps to boost one’s libido. Lifestyle changes and also sexual techniques can place a person in the mood more often. Few medicines well the condition. Causes of low libido can thus be treated.

What Is Low Libido?

Libido is considered to be an “interest in pursuing sexual activity or arousal via masturbation or sexual activity with a partner. Libido is decreased sexual desire, whether or not the person has a partner.

What is usually considered a “typical” libido, yet it can vary from person to person. One person’s libido can also change throughout his or her life. This could be on account of stress, health issues, or even the circumstances of a relationship. If low libido is bothersome to the individual, it does affect personal interests, current situation, and also the relationship with a partner.

Low libido, otherwise known as decreased sex drive, is common for both men and women. While it is not unusual for sexual desire to lessen and also flow throughout a person’s life, the shift can feel troublesome.

At times, a low libido can indicate other related issues, such as underlying medical problems or a personal or lifestyle concern.

If a person’s low libido is rather persistent or causing much distress, it is indeed worth exploring the cause to rule out an underlying condition or, of course, be able to obtain appropriate treatment.

Symptoms emanating from causes of low libido

Neither man nor woman may have a sex drive that is outside what is typical for people at one’s stage in life.

And even if one’s sex drive is lower than it once was, the relationship can be strong. There is no magic to define low-sex drive. It varies.

Common Causes of Low Libido in Women and Men

Symptoms of low sex drive in women include:

  • Having less or no interest in any sort of type of sexual activity, which includes masturbation.
  • Never, or only seldom, rather having sexual fantasies or even thoughts.
  • Being sad or even concerned about one’s lack of sexual activity or fantasies.

When to see a doctor?

If concerned about one’s low desire for sex, talk to a gynecologist or other healthcare professional. The answer can be as simple as changing a medicine that is taken. Or perhaps the person may need to get a condition like high blood pressure or diabetes under tighter control.

Causes of low libido in men and women include:
  • Medical conditions (like diabetes, high blood pressure, endocrine disorders).
  • Hormone deficiency.
  • Mental health concerns.
  • Relationship issues.
  • Age (menopause or andropause).


There is no doubt a difference between low libido and arousal, which is the ability to become sexually aroused via contact. Several people have low libido (interest) but can indeed become aroused when in a sexual situation. Sexual desire plays an important role in a relationship.