Right Solution: Treatment Options, Erectile Dysfunction

A physical exam and answering questions (medical history) are all required at times for a doctor to diagnose erectile dysfunction and suggest a treatment.

If having chronic health conditions or the doctor suspects that an underlying condition might be involved, they may need further tests or a consultation with a specialist.

ED can indeed occur due to problems at any stage of the erection process, and it can be occasional or even frequent.

  • Occasional ED is not uncommon. Several people experience it during times of stress or on account of a recent nutritional or lifestyle change.
  • Frequent ED can be a sign of health problems that may need treatment. It can, in fact, also be a symptom of emotional or relationship difficulties that the patient may want to address with a professional.

Erectile dysfunction symptoms

Trouble getting an erection and difficulty maintaining an erection during sexual activities happen to be the most common symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Other sexual disorders related to ED include:

  • Premature ejaculation
  • Delayed ejaculation
  • Anorgasmia, or even the inability to achieve orgasm after ample stimulation.

Speaking with one’s doctor if one has any of these symptoms, especially if they have lasted for 3 or more months.

  • Physical exam.
  • Blood tests.
  • Urine tests (urinalysis).
  • Psychological exam.

Depending on the cause and severity of one’s erectile dysfunction and any underlying health conditions, various treatment options are suggested.

Oral medications

Oral medications are a successful erectile dysfunction treatment for many men.

The medications can vary in dosage, how long they work, and their side effects. Possible side effects can include flushing, nasal congestion, headaches, visual changes, backaches, and stomach upset.

Seeking a doctor’s advice regarding medications for erectile dysfunction is important. A few medications can prove dangerous.

Penis pumps: A penis pump (vacuum erection device) is a hollow tube with a hand-powered or battery-powered pump. The tube is placed over one’s penis, and then the pump is used to suck out the air inside the tube. This creates a vacuum that pulls blood into one’s penis.

Once an erection is had, the patient slips a tension ring around the base of his penis to hold in the blood and keep it firm. Then remove the vacuum device.

The erection does last long enough for a couple to have sex. The tension ring is removed after intercourse. Bruising of one’s penis is a possible side effect, and ejaculation will also be restricted by the band. The penis might feel cold to the touch.

  • Penile implants: This treatment involves surgically placing devices on both sides of the penis.

Penile implants are usually not recommended until other methods have been tried first.


Moderate-to-vigorous aerobic activity can improve erectile dysfunction.

Even less strenuous, regular exercise can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. Discussing the exercise plan with the doctor helps.

Psychological counseling

If erectile dysfunction is caused by stress, anxiety, or depression, or if the condition is creating stress and relationship tension, the doctor can suggest that the patient and partner visit a psychologist or counselor.


Erectile dysfunction can indeed become more prevalent with age. Yet, symptoms can be treated with medication, therapy, and other methods. ED can also occur among younger people. Researchers have rather observed a stronger correlation between smoking, drug use, and ED in these men when compared with older men. This does suggest that lifestyle choices are considered to be an important factor in ED in younger men.