Varicocele affects men and fertility in men is indeed of much concern. Varicocele does concern itself with the fertility of men. It can be treated by various methods.

Varicocele happens to be a condition that does occur when the veins within the scrotum tend to become enlarged. Most men who have varicoceles do not have fertility problems. Yet. infertility rates among those with varicoceles are higher than those without them. This difference may be due to varicoceles interference with the body’s ability to make as well as store sperm Fertility in men is of much concern and that to infertility.

A varicocele occurs when a bulge results from enlarged veins inside the scrotum. The swelling typically resembles an enlargement above the testicle, without discoloration.

The pampiniform plexus is a group of veins inside the scrotum. These veins help cool the blood before it travels to the testicular artery, which supplies the testicles with blood.

If the testicles are too hot, they cannot make healthy sperm. Sperm health affects fertility, so it is essential that the veins can cool down the blood.

Most people with a varicocele do not have symptoms, but some may experience fertility issues. When someone has a varicocele, they may also experience swelling and tenderness of the scrotum.

For boys going through puberty, a varicocele may rather inhibit testicle growth, hormone production, and also other factors that are related to the health cum function of the testicle. For men, a varicocele can result in gradual shrinkage on account of tissue loss.

Current evidence does support the beneficial effects of varicocelectomy on semen parameters, sperm function, as well as pregnancy outcomes in men from couples who are faced with documented infertility with clinical varicoceles and also by affected semen parameters.

Several men have enlarged veins in the scrotum, which is the pouch that holds the testicles. Doctors refer to these veins as varicoceles. Several men with varicoceles have no symptoms, but few may have fertility issues.

Do varicoceles cause infertility?

Most men who suffer from varicoceles do not have fertility problems. Infertility rates among those with varicoceles are higher than those without them. Research on whether treating varicoceles can really improve fertility is mixed.

Previous studies have found little evidence that treating a varicocele might improve fertility, especially if the cause of a couple’s infertility is unknown. The researchers do warn that the evidence is weak, and more research is required.

The main concern as far as varicoceles are concerned is to do with the bulge of veins that can damage sperm and also lower sperm count. In those individuals who are experiencing average sperm count, a varicocele is very unlikely to cause infertility.

When a couple is not able to conceive, it is vital to do a variety of tests, that include a sperm count, and not assume that a varicocele is necessarily the sole cause.

What is varicocele and how does it affect fertility in men?

Causes and risk factors

A doctor may use an ultrasound to diagnose a varicocele. A varicocele does occur when veins in the scrotum do become enlarged.

Every vein has rather a valve that does prevent blood from flowing backward, but, at times, the valve fails. This does lead to blood flowing back, damaging the vein and also causing swelling.

Doctors do not completely understand what causes the valves to fail and cause varicoceles. They are common and do not usually mean that a person has an underlying health problem.

Smoking can be a risk factor for varicoceles, as it does damage a person’s blood vessels. The same study has also found no link between alcohol or occupation and varicoceles.

Also rarely, a growth in one’s stomach can put pressure on the veins, causing a varicocele. This issue happens to be more common in men above 45 years of age.

In several people, a varicocele has no apparent cause.



Embolization is surgery that sort of temporarily cuts off the blood supply.


A doctor can surgically remove a varicocele by blocking the blood flow to the damaged vein. This surgery is referred to as a varicocelectomy. Laparoscopic surgery is also carried out.