Males suffering from infertility experience Peyronie’s disease. Infertility is a worldwide occurrence, and treatment is necessary to be able to conceive a child.

The incidence of male infertility is on the rise, and it is rampant in cities where people are prone to a stressful lifestyle. Peyronie’s disease is a health issue faced by many.

Several male fertility problems do often go undiagnosed and untreated for various reasons, like the misconception that infertility is a female problem and the fact that there are fewer male infertility specialists (andrologists), etc.

A disorder of the male or female reproductive system known as infertility is characterized by the inability to conceive after 12 months or more of frequent, unprotected sexual activity. Millions of males in the present world who happen to be of reproductive age struggle with male infertility problems, which also have an effect on their families and communities.

What causes male infertility?

A variety of biological and environmental factors can impact male infertility causes. Among the possibilities are:

  • Azoospermia: The failure to make sperm cells can be a factor in male infertility.
  • Oligospermia: It refers to sperm of inferior quality.
  • Klinefelter’s syndrome, myotonic dystrophy, microdeletion, and other genetic illnesses happen to be a few examples of male infertility causes.
  • Sperm is not healthy and will not live long enough to fertilize the egg.
  • Several medical problems, like diabetes, a few autoimmune diseases, cystic fibrosis, and a few infections, are provided as examples of male infertility causes.
  • Few drugs and also supplements.
  • Variococles: This is a disorder where the testicles’ veins are larger than usual. This does cause them to overheat, which might alter the type or quantity of sperm produced.
  • Cancer therapies, which include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or even testicular removal surgery (one or both), could be the reason male infertility causes.
  • Substance abuse includes the use of alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics.
  • A testicular trauma.
  • Hormonal disorders: Issues with one’s hypothalamus or pituitary glands can have an impact on one’s ability to conceive and be a reason for male infertility.

What are the symptoms of infertility in males?

The symptom is infertility itself. Couples are emotionally upset if they are unable to bear a child. Feelings of depression, loss, grief, inadequacy, and failure are felt. People or couples who are going through such emotions might wish to get support from medical professionals such as a therapist or psychiatrist.

Which men are more susceptible to male infertility?

  • Male infertility can indeed affect a few men more than others. If you have excess weight or obesity, it does affect.
  • 40 years of age or even older.
  • Radiation exposure has occurred to you.
  • Environmental pollutants do include lead, calcium, pesticides, or mercury to which the person is exposed.
  • Consuming drinks, drugs, or cigarettes.

How to increase male fertility: Consider sperm health improvement

Sperm can be impacted by one’s lifestyle and what one can do to increase male fertility.

How can one best create healthy sperm in order to increase male fertility?

Simple procedures to raise the likelihood of creating healthy sperm include:

  • Keeping a healthy weight.
  • Adopt a balanced diet.
  • Avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STIs).
  • Stress management.
  • Be active.

About male infertility treatment

Male infertility treatment has improved due to contemporary technology and procedures. The following male infertility treatments can be used, depending on the cause of male infertility:

Male infertility treatment medications:

  • Hormone therapy boosts sperm production.
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight by making lifestyle modifications.
  • Give up smoking.
  • No drinking.
  • Abandon marijuana use.
  • Stop using drugs recreationally.

Male infertility treatment surgeries:

  • Vasectomy reversal.
  • Vasoepididymostomy.
  •  Sperm Recovery.
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
  • In vitro fertilization.

Peyronie’s disease is also treatable.


It helps to adjust your lifestyle to prevent infertility. There are therapies for the reasons of infertility and surgeries and procedures to increase male fertility. Remember to consult a doctor if, after a year of unprotected sex, a couple is unable to conceive.